Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice (BR 209 1991 edition - Downloadable version - Superseded by 2022 edition)
People expect good natural lighting in their homes and in a wide range of non-domestic buildings. Daylight makes an interior look more attractive and interesting as well as providing light to work or read by. Access to skylight and sunlight helps to make a building energy-efficient; effective daylighting will reduce the need for electric light, while winter solar gain can meet some of the heating requirements.
This guide gives advice on site layout planning to achieve good sunlighting and daylighting, within buildings and in the open spaces between them. It complements BS8206:Part 2 and CIBSE Applications manual:window design by providing advice on the planning of the external environment. Includes an appendix on rights to light and indicators to calculate access to skylight, sunlight and solar radiation. Discusses how to protect the daylighting and sunlighting of existing buildings when new developments are proposed. Other sections give guidance on passive solar site layout, on the sunlighting of gardens and amenity areas, and briefly review issues like privacy, enclosure, microclimate, solar dazzle, road layout and security.
89 pages. NB Transparent direction finder supplied in pocket of the hard copy version is NOT included as such in pdf but is the same as illustration A11, which can be used instead.
Published in 1991, reprinted with minor corrections 1995, reprinted 1998, 2005, 2009.
Please note: the document size is 9MB and will take a while to download on slow connections.
Please note that a new edition of this guide was published in 2022 and is available as a downloadable pdf. This 1991 edition is being kept available for use in connection with planning applications that refer to it.
Downloadable PDF of current 2022 edition can be obtained here